Monday, February 17, 2020

Principles and Practices of Effective Leadership - D1 Essay

Principles and Practices of Effective Leadership - D1 - Essay Example ing this factor, an understanding of the various leadership approaches which leaders could adopt to lead their company is extremely crucial for a successful leadership. Leadership approaches are directions which help leaders follow the required path and therefore successfully achieve the goals established by their organization. It is important for a leader going through a process of leadership development to understand these leadership styles and adopt the various characteristics and roles defined by these approaches in managing their company. Moreover, leadership styles like autocratic leadership, democratic leadership, laissez-faire and transformational leadership, each define a set of characteristics, traits, agendas and the relationship a leader adopting each of these styles have with his/her subordinates. This brings us to authentic leadership, which is highly dependent upon persuasion which is linked to building trust which brings in three elements required for authentic leadership establishment pertaining to the factor of building trust; establishment of a trusting environment, continuous facilitation and training by experts and awareness of the limits to train leaders according to their job requirements since pushing too hard may lead them to be distraught and stop learning, thus negatively impacting the organization in the long run. Lastly, to become an authentic and good leader, one must act proactively, must take up responsibility for his/her actions if consequences faced, show commitment to the work and be friendly with the workforce, take regular feedback from workforce and share your vision with them to make them feel important and highly value their opinions (Bernel,

Monday, February 3, 2020

The Advertisement to Warn of the Adverse Effects of Cigarette Smoking Essay

The Advertisement to Warn of the Adverse Effects of Cigarette Smoking - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that images provide useful mental information with hidden meaning that requires analysis to get the intended message. Advertisements use images and drawings to give cautionary measures and a summary of what could have taken considerable space when presented in text format. Advertisements contain arguments targeted at persuading the consumers of an individual product to increase the rates of purchase. Advertisements include sequentially arranged information that a market specialist and a psychologist designed to persuade a particular target group. Some people draw for leisure while others, like cartoonists, draw for pay. The main feature is that any visual document has a message to pass to the viewers. The paper analyzes an advertisement banner by the Health Canada. The visual text analyzed has a size of 500mm by 267mm. The left-hand side of the banner pictures a teenage girl holding a lighted cigarette. The image appears on an orange backgr ound. The author drafted the word warning using white fonts on a black background on the right of the picture. Below the warning sign, words indicating the repercussions and the negative results of smoking appear. In addition, the texts indicate the addictive and harmful nature of smoking to scare and warn the innocent from engaging in the practice. The health organization has also provided their mobile contact and a link to their website page. The lady in the picture has a wrinkled forehead, defective left eye, brown stained teeth, stained nails, and reddened eyeball. She also has red gum and lips. She looks horrible from the first sight. Her hair seems unhealthy and dull. The visual art targets youths who smoke and prospective youth smokers as well. The visual art does this by clearly presenting the negative effects of cigarette smoking visible to the public and the people around us. The visual text clearly conveys the message that cigarette smoking is harmful to human health. The setting environment is dull by the choice of color. A faint, orange-yellow color in many instances usually indicates sickness, decay, and caution. The picture portrays the young lady as young and attractive. Youth life is an attractive era according to art. She is sick because of smoking.